World's simplest XOR encryptor. Just paste your text in the form below, enter password, press XOR Encrypt button, and you get XOR encrypted text. Calculate the exclusive or (XOR) with a simple web-based calculator. Input and output in binary, decimal, hexadecimal or ASCII.
Introduction XOR encryption is a trivially simple symmetric cipher which is used in many applications where security is not a defined requirement.Exclusive-OR encryption, while not a public-key system such as RSA, is almost unbreakable through brute force methods. It is susceptible to patterns, but this weakness can be avoided through first compressing the file (so as to remove patterns). Exclusive-or encryption requires that both encryptor and decryptor have access to the encryption key, but the encryption algorithm, while extremely simple, is nearly unbreakable.
Code: A ^ 0 = A A ^ A = 0 B ^ A ^ A = B ^ 0 = B where ^ denotes the exclusive disjunction (XOR) operation. With this logic, a string of text can be encrypted by applying the bitwise XOR operator to every character using a given key. To decrypt the output, merely reapplying the key will remove the cipher. Install Mac Os X On Hp Probook 4540s Specs. The XOR operator is extremely common as a component in more complex ciphers. By itself, using a constant repeating key, a simple XOR cipher can trivially be broken using frequency analysis. Its primary merit is that it is simple to implement, and that the XOR operation is computationally inexpensive.
Introduction To Robotics Oussama Khatib Pdf Printer more. Recently, probably the makers of a media player 3wplayer(reported by Norton Antivirus as a spyware threat), encoded DVD rip avi files and put them up on torrent portals. One intelligent guy amazingly figured out the hidden trick and decrypted the avi file, which otherwise can only be played in 3wplayer. Read more about it here An Example.